If a meteorite hits the earth we are not going to have a chance to go or run anywhere??? Are areas in northern VA safe ? Tsunami Over USA East Coast Caroline Diadem 6.38K subscribers Subscribe 428 Share 4.8K views 7 months ago In 2016 I saw a huge tsunami hit the USA east coast and I saw a huge army. I live in NJ about 20 minutes from Philadelphia & the Delaware River, our elevation is 60 ft, would there still be a big wave that comes down the river and engulfs everything or would it just be more of a flood? If you live in Connecticut like me, PLEASE TRY TO BE 100 MILES FROM THE COASTLINE AND 500FT ABOVE SEA LEVEL. (LogOut/ I wouldnt be too worried about tsunami dreams. SoulSurvivor, Just based on elevation and not a true physical modeling incorporating fluid dynamics. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. In other words, earthquake vibrations are VERY robust, carrying with them lots of information and kinetic energy (the kinetic energy is carrying/housing the information, *infodynamics conduit). No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. St. Helens is gearing up again. Anyone on the coastlines will be underwater.. #bEk87QlF Ggio-XAX;9r#F00]c`e[Z(Yp&Y-bG+hGD`SK Xt 9wY=1$Pe:Dg.7dha%${"K]u>\+X#o_#f(Pe(Bf8q`*Ur'HT @p3>x3hK (:3,i)y4<5vTt#>`BD8r4P|nak`oeur#7 BB\\,h If it's meaning truly is symbolic, it may signal or symbolize a sudden spiritual, economical, political or other shifting in this nation occurring along the coastlines, or within the states themselves that border the Atlantic ocean. I hope you know how to swim or surf. If we were hit by a 300 foot wave, our cities, road, electrical grid, and building would be destroyed. Im not able to relocate so I either need beer and a surfboard or a bug out barrel (saw an article). I live in Ga near Al/ Tn border and am probably high enough up to escape major flooding. La Cumbre Vieja (Canary Islands) has erupted 3 days ago. Bra, the tops of the Palm Trees in Palm Beach are barely above Sea Level. I live in Ridley park pa in Delaware county would it be effected im about half hour away from philadelphia i live closer to delaware. And we do not want to be in a crowded city for many logical reasons . If not be prepared to give your life because when this flood comes in, it's going to reach the Appalachian Mountains but it won't cross it." ~~~~~ Warning Dream of Tsunami to Kill 22 Million The problem is that river that goes right throught it. And Im 100% serious about buying homes in/around Tampa. Dont stress about anything thatll kill you faster than any tsunami would. I guess I am a goner as I live on Long Island. Enjoy your trip! It is the oscillation of our Sun (in its 24k orbit with its dual) above/below the galactic plane (and respective magnetic field polarity) that flips the Earth every 12k. I have to agree ive had dreams since 2013 seeing tha whole east coast in gulfed by a tsunamy, i did nit kniw at the time it was possible. The tsunami doesnt rear up and create the devastating wave until it is closing in on the shore. We are the United States, we have all the bombs! The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let a thing be established". If the canary islands collapse, youll have a 5hr notice minimum. Yes fingers crossed and prayers need to be said. Voting actually matters. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. We will stay and leave the highways and byways for those younger than us to have a chance to escape. Would I be safe just heading to this spot instead of hopping on a westerly interstate thats most likely packed with other evacuees? I asked someone the time & was told it was 2 oclock. Thats a question you may be wondering, especially if you live near the coast. Im in Charlotte NC Im in far enough right? Building a wall would be racist, anyway. Lets say that I hear a tsunami is coming and people are evacuating via road air water etc. Problem with that is the power grid probably will fail with that much power being drawn. Its the aftermath. Ive served/am serving my purpose here. They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. If they do start shutting them down, that.would be a.go sign. Why am I not hearing anything about this on the news??? Tsunami hitting the East Coast Sep 29, 2018 Handmaid of the Most High In May 2016, I had the vision of Tsunami hitting the East Coast. Gas question. She said she was afraid. Coastal Ga, ditto. Anyone close to the water could have issues with soil erosion, sewage contamination (a frequent issue in hurricane zones), alterations in the salinity of the soil by ocean flooding, hurricane impact, tsunami, etc. Case in point? Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. Is the city itself a bigger worry than the suburbs for water? EAST COAST TERRAIN ELEVATION MAPS SHOWN BELOW. May God bless you all. This event would likely lead to a mega tsunami that travels across the Atlantic and devastates the East Coast of the United States. The wave along the east coast of the Americas (N&S) will not be equal. Just as likely to be hit by something major, I could put one together for a future post. A Tsunami would remove Long Island and NYC from the face of the earth. Should I buy a boat? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Others will cause minimal damage, and will be more akin to signs denoting great changes in America. I highly doubt anything is going to happen and if it did, i wouldnt call it a NATURAL Disaster, more like a created one. its not a question whether an earthquake could exhibit more or less energy in general, but the question is how the waveform propagates (its behavior about its 3D special axes and 1D temporal axis (and 3D waveform quality through spacetime (assuming space and time are a holistic system). You can find me on Facebook Id really love to know Im searching for answers. Car packed and ready if necessary. 9/23 is all in that movie! Now I'm not saying that's what this is, as we don't know for certain yet. Not enough time to evacuate. His lips are moving. Only about 12 people know this Earthquake is coming and six of them work here. There actually is scientific evidence of an event like this occurring. As the wave reached the coast ascending to its appointed height, the number that came to my consciousness during the vision was 1000ft tall. Theres a nuclear power plant close by so it may not matter anyhow. As such, those bugging out would very likely cause a chain reaction of other folks attempting the same thing. Please call on the name of Jesus, as Lord and personal savior. Ken, The it averages from 140 to 160 above sea level. The reason I am curious is that a volcano by Africa is very active. One of those is the East Coast Tsunami, which may be getting close. Evacuation would be virtually impossible for most (except for the astute who act quickly) due to only hours notice, probable doubt, and the subsequent immediate gridlock that would follow. Rather in this quake or in a future event its gone. Does anyone have any info on that? Yes, I believe you would probably (be underwater). People are reading too much into this, THANK YOU for scientifically based TRUTH! I now have a 200-gallon propane tank but am thinking of switching to piped natural gas thoughts? Yeah even though I live in the mountains a nuclear meltdown would be really bad. Well it is 9/19/21 and there is major activity in the Canary Islands. created by a passing orbit of Planet X. I understand this thing is much larger than our planet and is dragging several moons, along with meteors in its tail. Given a bad economy and the avoidance of routine car maintenance, then one can expect many stalled overheated vehicles among them. I thought maybe you were referring to the boxes the guy was loading up onto his boat at the beginning. About a 2 and a half hour drive from where Im ator atleast have enough time to drive to Orlando of something. 17 miles from the SC border. Great question even I would like to know being up in Caribou and Mom down by Bangor, Fort up at your house bye canned goods dry goods . I can only do it once. The isles can be really high as they are mostly vulcanic but still very small in diameter And as knowing that a tsunami gains speed with distance how big and how far would it hit there? T]K!aP 7sch#!w#W"#_s\l%l )Y6^%8aeqz||SoisJZ'=;<1f*L?{f Say a 600 to 1000 foot one? Should I be concerned? ]Flzbv5[)WQFU -4;7vU e4 eCc8D*pg8|=d8e'Lfah:pJqM9b \F+y6Uf1-:b`Ab;=osSGM!UANS,^|\>~)etc2 Aae8}#414dR_2K*nM!Q,1 #gnTE" jrfPES:z1!-'$pf((k3ZnI{6ri|>(Y98K+_%^!+jX]1qKQ:R3JxNV=Th[o;D:(q&MVirG _WNsHRc?,J,Th/SLVTl_pw I have bad news for you. I see a lot of people here asking about their specific location and how that would be. He told me he is putting them to safety, of course I found myself on top of the mountain also but did not see water nor anything else. Major damage to Ohio from tornadoes. My coworker is from Philippines and there community is telling each other to take there money out of the 401k now and shes warning me of everthing that they are saying in there community. This will give you some material , one place to start, your research..He has done these for several years. The Canary Island government has declared a yellow alert for an eruption on LaPalma. Chinese: shenrentonggong People would be panicking and likely armed folks would either be attempting to steal supplies from each other or protect themselves. the oil rigs in the open waters. Just a question. Im screwed in NJ. Thank you! Its been predicted for a 9 earthquake . Hi we live in Warren County (Norlina) North Carolina do we need to evaluate? But be prepared that in the case of either traffic jams or accidnets, because of the timing of impending danger, you may have to leave your vehicle and travel on foot. You would need to run thousands of simulations to represent the thousands of ways the mountain can collapse. Just take action instead of trying to find some excuse that would allow your justification of avoiding making the tough decisions. Even if you are up high, no electric for a loooong time. So, when those earthquakes started rattling off over there, it made me think of this old article with the maps. Its all about energy. I cannot see Georgias S.W corner adjacent to Lake Seminole. Im not a believer in the Western Redoubt model for this main reason. I think they are called tetonic plates. Move or definitely dont move there? right now there is growing concern about LaPalma since it has been having thousands of earthquakes directly under the unstable slope (the size and mass of Manhattan Island) that could slide into the Atlantic at about 120 mph creating a tidal wave of over 2 thousand feet near the island but also then create a tsunami of over one hundred feet on the East coast of the US among other places. Id like to know if you happened to make up a West Coast scenario, Ken. Pets will also alert their owners by becoming increasingly distressed and panicked; they just know. But God's hand is now putting everything in place to put a stop to these criminals' evil reign. A 10 meter tsunami goes 1.2 kilometers inland. He said he got the vision while in an unnamed east coast cityand he was shown the tsunami towering over the highest buildings in the city. Everyone was running & fleaing for their lives heading upward to the mountains. That is my opinion. By then most of the roads and highways will be shut down by the traffic. Should I be ready to move out of Fl completely soon? You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. How does ANYBODY think they have the right to keep a Tsunami from destroying property and killing people!!! Wll as I can see, this talk has been going on for years now. Think about all those Bank accounts on the east coast for the takingthey are not going to warn you! It would cascade with bugging out folks innundating the nearby towns as they ran low on fuel and supplies. Regardless of the if/ands/buts I would opt for the swimming lessons. Listen to 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 - Audio, an episode of The Prophecy Club - All Broadcasts, easily on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. Youre wasting time, and life is too short. We live in Washougal, wa about a 5 min walk from the columbia river. Im about 120 miles away in the foothills, but have a lot of family along the California coastlines. Best advice I can with you. Subsequent preparedness might involve the basics, like having a plan and/or an evacuation plan. I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, which is a barrier island. I know of three others who prophesied that tsunamis will hit the West Coast and the East Coast of the United States; John Paul Jackson, Perry Stone and Steve Quayle. http://geology.com/records/biggest-tsunami.shtml. The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. In this future event the water will Not reseed, everything will be under water. I took the piece of paper out & read it. Public Tsunami W/W/A TSUATE WEXX30 . In 1868, a powerful tsunami killed 10,000 people when it smashed into the coast of Peru with enough energy to carry an American warship 3km (1.9m) inland. If I see things become more defined and certain at a later time, I'll update things as I always do. I found myself in a state of being here and there at the same time. Topography is paramount. The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. I am a prepper and do my best with that. WHAT does it mean when by the city it says 10 I dont know at what Speed it hit Alaska. 1 In theory, a very rare event could generate a tsunami . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida%27s_highest_points, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sim/3047/downloads/SIM3047.pdf, This blog is a few years to early. The large one produced lightning before and when erupting. You will be where ever you are just my take. Hard to tell from the map, it looks close.. Earthquakes can also cause massive tsunamis, as are the cases with the 2004 Bali earthquake/tsunami and the 2011 Touhou earthquake/tsunami/nuclear plant meltdown. So the midwest is not necessarily that safe. I am currently residing in Queens, New York and would like to know which would be the closest, yet safest areas in the event of a tsunami wave If an evac alert goes out, you wont have time to pack or get gas. Instead, by bringing awareness to the subject will hopefully cause some to know about the risk even though low probability (but with potential high impact).